
The minimising gambling harm workforce hub

The purpose of this website is to centralise all infrastructure services and support, for a unique workforce commissioned to prevent and minimise gambling harm. It seeks to establish a central reference point for all staff or kaimahi, no matter what skills or expertise they possess. It is a place where one might engage opportunities, with the best interests of those they represent, in mind.

This website seeks to enrich the experience of searching and finding information about gambling harm reduction, we are doing this by avoiding duplication, centralising information and increasing connectivity across the sector infrastructure services. The sharing of information and messages between the Ministry, Infrastructure services and the Gambling harm workforce will be a key function of the site and we look forward to the journey ahead.

Advisory Group

There are four national services funded by the Ministry of Health, each are required to guide and support the work of all preventing and minimising gambling harm services.  These include:

  • Te Kakano – public health workforce training
  • Abacus – clinical workforce training
  • National Coordination Service –  national coordination of services and sector forums
  • Health Promotion Agency (Minimising Gambling Harm Team) – national education and awareness programme

The National PMGH Advisory Group is being brought together to provide advice, guidance and direction to the service provider infrastructure services; The National Coordination Service, Te Kakano – Public Health Workforce development service, Abacus – Intervention Workforce development service, and the Health Promotion Agency – Choice Not Chance. Other areas for consideration, may also include: 

  • Workforce development issues and priorities
  • Content, design and delivery of the training forums.
  • Education and awareness programme messaging and activities.
Emma Hunter

Emma Hunter

Terry Huriwai

Terry Huriwai

Workforce Development & Training
Mathew McMillan

Mathew McMillan

Public Health
Marino Murphy

Marino Murphy

Māori Health
Kelly Feng

Kelly Feng

Asian Health
Ifo Faanana

Ifo Faanana

Pacific Health
Bridgitte Thornley

Bridgitte Thornley

Clinical Health