COVID-19 Information & Updates

Resources and information to support the gambling harm minimisation workforce

Traffic light settings are now in place for all of Aotearoa.

More information

More information can be found below at the Ministry of Health COVID-19 response page

COVID-19 Header

The latest information about the COVID-19 coronavirus disease (formerly known as 2019-nCoV). Includes public health advice, signs and symptoms, current cases, advice for travellers and advice for health professionals.

Find Ministry of Health updates here

COVID-19 and PMGH Kaimahi

We learnt many lessons from our last lockdown and understand that connecting as a sector is something that is needed during this time, to share stories, ideas and check in with each other. In preparation for future lockdowns, we created the My He Taumata Hub, where there are regional message boards so that you can connect with others in your region and around the country.

We encourage you all to register, if you have not done so already, and utilise your hub.

We will be contributing some ideas around how we can communicate within this space, especially at this time.

If you have any concerns or questions, please contact the team to support you.

Tiana Matiu -


COVID-19 and Mental Health and Addictions Providers

Although we don’t know what will happen from here in terms of Alert Level changes, we wanted to reach out with an update and some reminders about what we all need to be doing right now.

There is a psychosocial response plan, Kia Kaha, Kia Māia, Kia Ora Aotearoa: COVID-19 Psychosocial and Mental Wellbeing Recovery Plan, which will continue to guide our response and actions. Below are four things that you can do to put this plan into action. It would be helpful if you could share these resources across your networks to ensure everyone is updated and using consistent messaging.

Under Alert Level 4 Mental Health and Addiction services are considered essential. If you have urgent needs related to the response, link in with your local response unit in the first instance.

Take care of your wellbeing

It’s really important to us that you are making sure that you and your staff are safe and well. For some, the news of cases in the community may be unsettling but if we all act now and take practical, proactive steps to look after our mental wellbeing – practising helpful techniques and accessing support when we need it – we can avoid a spike in mental health distress now and in months to come. There are online mental health and wellbeing information, tools and resources on the Ministry of Health website.

It’s a good time to remember all the things that have got us through previous lockdowns:

  • Staying connected (distance, not distant)
  • Limiting your time online
  • Having a plan! Sticking to a schedule or routine
  • Moving your body daily
  • Exploring your local neighbourhood (at an appropriate distance!)
  • Going easy on yourself - sometimes just getting through the day is a win

The Mental Health Foundation and All Right? team have a Workplace wellbeing during COVID-19 resource, which includes a guide for leaders and also wellbeing tips for healthcare workers. And Te Pou also has a number of useful resources to help support your teams.

Promote mental well-being tools

Please use and promote the Ministry’s key health messages, resources and tools. As above, these are available on our website at

The Getting Through Together campaign is a mental wellbeing programme focused on things we can all do to maintain our mental well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic.

There is also information and resources specifically for Māori, Pasifika, new parents, older people and other groups that might be more at risk due to the impacts of COVID-19, from the Health Promotion Agency.

The Whakatau Mai Wellbeing Sessions are also available at

Delivering services

We know you will be relooking at your pandemic plan and coordinating with your key partners in government and the community to align services that support people's mental health and wellbeing.

Please make sure you and your team are still familiar with all the basic hygiene measures and communicating to people you are providing services to what the alert measures mean in terms of physical distancing, visiting and hygiene precautions that need to be taken.

It's important to let the public know that help is still available, even if you are delivering services a little differently, so please communicate with your clients and community regularly.

Connect people who have broader welfare needs

Keep an eye on the communities you are working with and let relevant social support agencies know if you are aware of people whose broader welfare needs are not being met.