The Council invites feedback on the draft policy from Monday 31 January 2022 to Friday 4 March 2022.
The draft policy provides controls on the number and location of Class 4 gambling (pokie) machines, and on the location of stand-alone TAB NZ venues in Selwyn district. The Draft Gambling Venue Policy has been prepared under the Gambling Act 2003 and the Racing Industry Act 2020.
The draft policy includes:
• a cap of 124 machines
• a relocation policy so that a Class 4 venue can take the same number of machines to a new venue as it had at the original licensed venue
• gambling venues continue to be allowed only outside residential areas of the district.
Enclosed is a statement of proposal, including the draft policy. These documents are also available for viewing at all Council service centres and libraries, and online at
You can make your submission online at Alternatively, you can pick up a hard copy of the submission form at Council service centres and libraries.
Next policy review date
Council website link
Council email address
Postal address
PO Box 90, Rolleston, 7643
Council phone number
0800 735 996
Policy review documents